Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate
The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills, knowledge and application of oxygen, airway management devices and automated external defibrillators during resuscitation, as well as the administration of oxygen to conscious and unconscious victims.
To commence training for the SLSA Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate you must meet the following entry requirements:
• be at least 15 years of age on the date of final assessment
• be a financial member of an SLS club.
Hold one of the following SLSA awards • Bronze Medallion/Certificate II in Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue)
• First Aid
• Resuscitation

First Aid
(course fee applies)
The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to manage emergency first aid situations until professional medical support is available.
Candidates must be at least 14 years of age on the date of final assessment.

Age Manager
Age Managers are volunteers who plan and deliver the Nipper program at their club to children aged between 5-13 years. The goal of an Age Manager is to create a fun, safe learning environment while developing future surf lifesavers through the building of knowledge, skills and confidence. The Age Manager Course has been designed to equip age managers with the skills and knowledge needed to successfully carry out their role.
Participants must meet ALL the following conditions to commence training:
• be a minimum of 15 years old
• have completed the relevant state/territory legislation check(s) for working with children
• be a financial member of a club

Surf Rescue Certificate
It is recommended for SLS members who wish to:
• perform in the role of SLS water safety personnel
• take on a lifesaving cadetship and join a lifesaving patrol.
To commence training for the Surf Rescue Certificate you must:
• Be a financial member of an SLS club
• Be at least 13 years of age on the final assessment date
• Complete an unaided swim of 200 m in 5 minutes or less (goggles and masks permitted)
Swim to be completed in a swimming pool of not less than 25 m, or over a measured open water course which will be observed prior to you undertaking any water training or assessment activities. Evidence of this must be provided to the assessor prior to commencement of the assessment for these units of competency/this SLSA award.

Radio Operator
The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to operate communications systems and equipment in surf lifesaving operations.
To commence training for the Surf Rescue Certificate you must:
Candidates must be at least 13 years of age on the date of final assessment.

Bronze Medallion
The aim of this course is to provide participants with skills and knowledge related to surf awareness, aquatic rescue operations, radio operations, resuscitation, emergency care, spinal management, communication, teamwork and Surf Life Saving patrol operations. This award includes and builds upon the SLSA Surf Rescue Certificate, and it is the prerequisite award for many other SLS pathway awards.
It is recommended for SLS members who wish to:
• Perform in the role of a qualified lifesaver after the age of 15 years
• Participate in SLS surf sports competitions which require them to be proficient in the Bronze Medallion as a prerequisite condition
• Progress through the SLS Aquatic Rescue or Powercraft award pathway
To commence training for the Bronze Medallion you must:
• Be a financial member of an SLS club
• Be at least 15 years of age on the final assessment date
• Complete an unaided swim of 400 m in 8 minutes or less (goggles and masks permitted)
Swim to be completed in a swimming pool of not less than 25 m, or over a measured open water course which will be observed prior to you undertaking any water training or assessment activities. Evidence of this must be provided to the assessor prior to commencement of the assessment for this qualification/SLSA award.

The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation to an adult, child or infant. The course content is based on the policies and standards of the Australian Resuscitation Council.
To be eligible to receive this award, candidates must be at least 10 years of age on the date of final assessment